About HSK

About HSK

Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)

The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test is China’s only official test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. It is open to foreign students, overseas Chinese, and members of ethnic minority groups in China, and provides the global standard for Chinese language proficiency from beginner to advanced level.

It also provides a concrete demonstration of your ability to prospective employers, foreign institutions and other international organisations.

The test is administered by Chinese Testing International Co Ltd (CTI), a professional international Chinese education and examination service that is affiliated with the Center for Language Education and Cooperation and a member of Chinese Plus. 

The New HSK comprises six levels:

  • Levels 1, 2 and 3 are entrance-level examinations that correspond to our basic level courses (Comprehensive 1-4, Conversational 1-4).
  • Levels 4, 5 and 6 correspond to our intermediate and advanced level courses.

Further details can be found in the table below.


Duration (minutes)

Total Score

Passing Score

HSK 140200120
HSK 255200120
HSK 390300180
HSK 4105300180
HSK 5125300180
HSK 6140300180